Sunday, November 20, 2011

the most 5 dangerous diseases over the world

Every year the world lives in fear because of a disease ,the known about those diseases that it is infectious and speared fear between the people and people must take an preventive measures to control the disease spreading ,we will tell you about the most deadly infectious diseases in the world

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Benefits of stroke early detection

in a barbecue party a girl stumbled with a stone and fall down ,so the people tried to help her to stand up again she said that she is ok and she stumbled because of her new shoes so that they offered her another food dish ,and she continued the party,in the evening her husband called every one and told them that she is in hospital,at 6 pm she passed away because she had a stroke .

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to fight cancer by the early diagnosis

cancer is a deadly disease and it does not respect the age or the grander of the patient but it infects people at any time ,some people thinks that cancer is a modern disease but actually its an ancient disease the specialists say that it begun infecting people from more than 3500 years ago ,and there was no development to discover this disease secrets except the latest 25 years.

Monday, November 14, 2011

what is the real time tele-surgery

Surgery operations this days needs two or three surgeons ,anesthetist and some nurses in the surgery room ,but in the future by using the surgical robot systems in the surgery rooms we will just need to one or two surgeons and one anesthetist and one or two nurses,The surgeon will sit on the control unit which can be located into or out the surgery room  to control over the whole surgery operation by using the surgical robot to do the work which was needs many people to do.

what do you think about surgery robots

As a result for the huge technological development  in the few recent years robots is being used in many fields in our modern life such as the car factories specially at the production lines because it can save time ,effort and money ,robots can help us to see places we cannot reach our selves like the far planets and the deep ares in the sea and oceans.

the scientist says that in the future robots will have a kind of intelligence called the artificial intelligence  and it will be able to do every think that the human can do , to day we will talk about a special kind of robot which be used in the surgery rooms in the modern hospital over the world.

Friday, November 11, 2011

computer mouse measures the blood pressure levels

Recently some scientists in japan showed a new device it is just a computer mouse it contains a small blood pressure measure device it can give the user a detailed report contains all the blood pressure information while working on the their computer.

Monday, November 7, 2011

a genetically modified rice can produce the human blood contents

Recently some scientists had genetically  modified a kind of rice pills so that it can produce an important contents of the human blood to  be a replacement for blood donations ,they think that will  help the patient cases that need a lot of blood such as cancer and accidents patients.

the protein  that will be extracted from that kind of rice will contain a human genes  and it could be used i hospitals to cure the  accidents and fire burn  victims and it helps specially the patients how lost a lot of blood.

Light can help with curing cancer

A new medical research shows that light can help with curing the cancer that disease which is the worst night mare for every patient around the world, this search says that light can be very effective element in curing  the cancer tumors and it is effective to prevent any new damage on the healthy cells too.

According to this search  light can be used to target the infected cells with out having any harmful effects on the neighboring cells, modern cancer treatment techniques can be divided in to three categories :-

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Nursing and medicine education schools finance and loans (part 2)

In the previous topic we explained the meaning of the nursing and medicine students loans and finance programs types and we discussed example of those loans agreements and what it could require and we told you about the right place to ask for information about students loans applications.programs and its requirements

In this topic we will talk about the possible medicine and nursing students loans sources,which gives the individuals who want to continue their medical studies the suitable finance to insure that they could achieve their study goals without any fear of facing any financial problems which can make them suffer of the high education expenses .

Nursing and medicine education schools finance and loans (part 1)

Nursing and medical careers are a future dream for thousand of people around the world,young children this days have many kinds of nursing and doctors toys playing with it and that make them able to have the dream of being a doctor or a nurse and make their wish to help and cure other become bigger with time.

Of course the major problem that faces those people is the study expensive ,we know that the medicine study cost is to high because of the medical and study tools high prices this days,so that the individuals are looking for study finance and for suitable students loans to have the ability to continue their medicine or nursing studies.

Friday, November 4, 2011

the forecasting for the U.S hospitals and healthcare sector for the year 2012

The U.S is the largest health care market in the world ,and they have the highest health care spending rate for example in the year 2007 U.S spent 2.24 trillion dollar on the health care sector that includes the hospitals ,in the recent few years the annual spending rate increased and it is in continue increase.

The latest reports shows that the health care industries is growing in a fast rate specially the hospitals supplies,every one knows that the population growth rate in the united states is going up specially with the  high number of the new immigrants who are coming from a different countries .

Eye hospital be the perfect place to have laser treatment

Recently the patients how have a problems with the eyes are worried about using the radiation treatments to cure their diseases, because of the side effects of it which can causes cancer so that they looking for another types of treatments more safe for them and effective in the same time ,you can think that its a difficult formula but the solution is very sample indeed .

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hospital be a main place to have a radiation treatment for cancer

Every one knows that hospital be the right place to have the radiation treatment for the different kinds of diseases, but ask your self what is the worst night mare for all the patient this days .

simply we can say its the cancer that no mercy monster which destroy the patients body and leads them to death ,but the patient who have this disease must have hope because hope is the first step to be healed .

Recently all of us hear about many techniques to cure the cancer patients some of it run by using the chemical treatments like pills and the other forms of it,some cancer treatment specialists around the world recommend to use the chemical treatment techniques in the first levels of the cancer disease to control its spreading in the patient body.

but in the advanced level of the disease many specialists recommend to use the radiation treatment techniques to cure the cancer and to control  it and destroy it ,how ever some doctors also using the radiation techniques to cure the  cancer first levels cases ,they think that its the perfect way to cure the cancer in a short time ,but unfortunately it not worked out with many cases and with many kinds of the cancer.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

surgery room in hospital be the perfect place to see the surgery tables

this days there is many forms of  the surgery tables that affects on the success of the different surgical applications ,the surgeon depends on it ti choose the perfect position suits the patient case and suits the kind of the surgery operation and give the ability to change this position to another without any effects on the operation.

The number of the surgical applications is going up specially in the last few years ,and the grow rate of the surgery tables market is going up in high rate and this means that the demand rate is too high of course  on the tables that meets the needs of the different kinds of surgeries.